Progressive Women in Grocery Ad – Hy-Vee 2013

Hy-Vee had 15 women who were awarded the Progressive Women in Grocery award for 2013.  Hy-Vee placed a 2 page spread ad to congratulate them.  All of these women were photographed individually and had to be photoshopped together into one cohesive layout.  One woman was unavailable for the photoshoot and had to use her headshot from her office photo and was photoshopped on another woman’s body.

Celebrate Summer Store Banners

Created a line of hanging ceiling banners for Hy-Vee during the summer months to promote summer items in the various departments throughout the store.  I creative directed and the layout and was the photo director during the photoshoot.

Boudin Sourdough Bread Marketing booklet

Created a booklet with 30 ways to use Boudin Sourdough bread to coincide with the promotion of selling this exclusive brand of bread in Hy-Vee bakeries. The booklet was never completed due to regulations with the Boudin Sourdough company.